Suzanne Walsh – Lecturer
(MSc. Psychotherapy, BA ASSSC, N.Dip. CC, Dip. Clin. Psych., Cert. PSFT) has worked variously over three decades in residential childcare and early childhood care, in education with children and adults with intellectual disabilities, with vulnerable and marginalised groups, and as a lecturer at SETU (formerly WIT).
In addition to lecturing in social care management and practice and leadership and change management, she has been programme leader for the BA in Applied Studies in Social Care, Practice Placement Co-ordinator in Social Care and Early Childhood Studies and has managed the setting up of two large childcare facilities in the Waterford area, managing the centres once established.
During her time in education, she has served on committees representing WIT including the Irish Association of Social Care Workers Executive Committee, Irish Association of Social Care Workers Practice Placement Committee and the Waterford Area Partnership Child Care Committee. She was chairperson of the WIT Fitness to Practice Committee and remains on the committee and is on the teaching and learning committee for the social care degree programs. She is a founding member of the social care stake-holders forum in SETU and is trained in Garda Vetting.
Throughout her career, Suzanne has practiced in a consultancy/supervisory capacity with child and social care community organisations and in mental health as a facilitator/psychotherapist. She is a member of the Board of Management of St. Joseph’s Child Care Centre in Waterford and is a board member of Waterford Area Partnership. She is a steering committee member of TransParenCI (a national support network for parents of young people who identify as transgender). She is a founding member of Transformers (a national support group for young people who identify as transgender) and has facilitated this group for over ten years.
Teaching Subjects: Humanistic and Integrative Psychology, Gender and Sexuality.