What do you most value from your time at TPI on a personal/professional level? For me it was the personal development and growth – how I have changed as a… read more →
What do you most value from your time at Turning Point on a personal/professional level? I Value The Secure And Nurturing Space Which Has Been Created By The Turning Point Institute. This Space… read more →
My favourite lecture to deliver is the first lecture in my research module. This introduction to research highlights the need to carry out research to expand our knowledge so we… read more →
My specialist area of interest is Health Psychology. Topics I have a special interest in are cancer survivorship and self-care in the caring professions. Cancer as an illness and cancer treatment… read more →
Please click on link below Success Through Collaboration – TPTI and UCC For further information email: admin@tpti.ie or tel: 01 280 1603
Turning Point Training Institute is pleased to announce that we have now finalised our move to 23 Herbert Street, Dublin 2. All future correspondence should be directed to this address.… read more →
How proud we are of our graduate, Virginia Kerr, promoting, whenever possible, the importance of our profession and our work at Turning Point. Her work, Stage Fright, which deals with… read more →